1. From every employee Worksmart Company B.V. expects:
– respectful behavior toward guests, co-workers, supervisors and third parties.
– representative clothing and grooming appropriate to the employee’s position
– correct, friendly and customer-oriented behavior
2. Employees here means employees, on-call workers, temporary workers, volunteers, management, directors, interns and other persons involved with Worksmart Company B.V..
1. Inappropriate behavior by employees within Worksmart Company B.V. is not permitted.
2. Undesirable behavior within Worksmart Company B.V. includes discrimination, harassment (sexual or otherwise), aggression, violence and bullying.
3. Discrimination is defined within Worksmart Company B.V. as behavior by which a person discriminates between persons on the basis of religion, belief, political affiliation, race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability or chronic illness, the purpose or effect of which is to violate the dignity of the person, especially if it creates a threatening, hostile, insulting, humiliating or offensive situation.
4. Sexual harassment is defined within Worksmart Company B.V. as any form of verbal, non-verbal or physical behavior with sexual overtones, especially if a threatening, hostile, offensive, humiliating or offensive situation is created.
5. Aggression and violence is defined within Worksmart Company B.V. as occurrences in which someone is psychologically or physically harassed, threatened or assaulted in a work-related situation.
6. Bullying is defined within Worksmart Company B.V. as all forms of intimidating behavior of a structural nature, by one or more employees directed against an employee or group of employees who cannot or do not defend themselves against such behavior.
8. Employees who observe behavior toward themselves or others that could be construed as unwelcome behavior as defined in this article shall act appropriately.
1. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of drugs (narcotics) during working hours as well as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the start of work is not allowed employees of Worksmart Company B.V. Employees are also prohibited from carrying narcotics.
2. The employee pays attention to possible side effects when taking (heavy) medication. He informs his supervisor about the use of medication so that in case of emergencies an adequate action can be taken.
3. Smoking is not allowed inside Worksmart Company B.V.. This includes toilets, canteens and other areas. This means that smoking is not allowed inside or in the immediate vicinity. Smoking is permitted only in the areas designated for that purpose by Worksmart Company B.V.
4. Violation of paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 may lead to employment law measures, including the possibility of summary dismissal.
1. The manager confronted with a report of undesirable behavior between employees shall report it to the confidential advisor.
2. In the case of paragraph 1, the manager shall inform the confidential adviser of the nature of the undesirable behavior and the approach to it. In doing so, the manager shall not mention the name of the reporter unless the reporter gives permission.
3. The employee who wishes to file a complaint about or report undesirable behavior may also contact the confidential advisor directly. In this case, the confidential advisor shall inform the employee’s supervisor of the report or complaint.
4. The manager will seek a suitable solution, the primary aim of which will be to prevent future repetition and to enable good cooperation between the parties.
5. If one of the parties is not satisfied with the way in which the manager has handled the incident, he will notify the manager as soon as possible.
6. If the manager sees reason to do so, when undesirable behavior is observed, he may proceed to impose disciplinary measures on the employee who exhibited the behavior.
7. In cases involving (threats of) violence, employees will always alert one or more employees and/or their supervisor and, if necessary, external emergency services.
1. If Worksmart Company B.V. sees reason to do so, the following disciplinary measures may be imposed on the employee in cases of inappropriate behavior: an official written warning, an official written reprimand, suspension or suspension from duty, demotion, transfer and/or dismissal.
2. In very serious or repeated cases of undesirable behavior, instant dismissal may follow.
3. If an employee is suspended or placed on suspension, he must immediately return any Worksmart Company B.V. loaned goods prior to the start of the suspension, without any obligation to compensate Worksmart Company B.V. for their loss.
1. Visitors, customers and other external parties are expected not to approach or harass Worksmart Company B.V. employees in an aggressive, violent, intimidating or discriminatory manner.
2. In contacts with visitors, customers and other external parties, Worksmart Company B.V. employees will not accept aggressive, violent, intimidating, discriminatory or bullying behavior.
3. Should employees encounter unwelcome behavior from visitors, customers or other external parties, they will take appropriate action.
4. Should the case referred to in paragraph 3 arise, the employee will preferably address the person exhibiting the behavior politely but clearly.
5. In cases in which the provisions in paragraph 4 are not possible or desirable, or do not have the desired effect, the employee shall report the behavior to his manager. The manager will then take appropriate measures, based on the safety of the employee.
6. Visitors, clients and external parties who experience undesirable behavior by employees shall report this to the manager of the employee concerned. The manager will then act in accordance with Article 4.
1. Personal relationships between employees should not adversely affect the quality of work.
2. In addition, the employees concerned must prevent their personal relationship from adversely affecting the atmosphere in the workplace or relations among all employees.
3. If there is a relationship between 2 employees in the same department or if there is a relationship between an employee and his/her supervisor, Worksmart Company B.V. reserves the right to take appropriate measures necessary for a workable situation, including, for example, transfer and in extreme cases, dismissal.
1. Within Worksmart Company B.V., the designated confidential advisor is: Latifa, P&C Officer.
2. The confidant is in charge of the first reception of employees who have complaints about undesirable behavior and want to talk about it.
3. The confidential advisor will assist and guide the employee in the event of a complaint and provide advice.
4. The confidential advisor can also support the employee in submitting the complaint to the management and/or in case of a criminal offense, in reporting it to the police.
5. The Confidential Advisor will only act, when the complaining employee has given written consent to do so.
6. All information provided by the employee will be treated confidentially by the Confidential Advisor.